While HostPresto can’t consult or advise on your company’s specific GDPR compliance, we have compiled an FAQ which will help answer some of the most common questions about how your data is stored. If you have a specific question which isn’t listed please do contact support and we’ll be happy to advise.
If you’re looking for information about our own compliance in regards to your services, this security section, along with our Privacy Policy should answer the vast majority of questions.
Is the data stored on my account encrypted?
We don’t encrypt stored data our end on your account, it’s the responsibility of your website application to do this.
Is data encrypted when sent to the user
If your site has an SSL certificate and you force clients onto https:// then yes, it is. With regards to email, providing you use the SSL/TLS connection options when sending and receiving email, then this is also encrypted.
Should you wish to enable https:// on your website, SSL Certificates can be purchased here
Is email stored encrypted?
Email is not stored encrypted.
Where are your servers located?
All servers are located in Kent, UK.
Do you store visitor IP addresses?
Yes, web access logs (which you can access under the Raw Access Logs section of your cPanel) are stored and rotated on a monthly basis.
How long is data stored in a backup?
After you delete something, be it a website file, database or email for example, it will remain in our backup system for up to 90 days, after which it will be purged completely.